Wax and Grafts is the exclusive export sales agent of both SER wax and Chauvin Agro range. Both companies belong to AWAX group whose main factory is located in Santena, Italy. AWAX is the biggest wax manufacturer in Europe.
Wax range comparison :
Grafting waxes comparison by use, range, competition and composition
The SER wax range includes 4 types of waxes:
ACTYGREF: for grafting operations. ACTYGREF helps to overcome the biochemical deficiency of the callus, by establishing a better vascularization.
CIRKA: for planting. CIRKA has been formulated for the already formed callus. Under hot temperature, between 85°C and 90°C, its high melting point together with its plasticity and impermeability give a complete protection.
CIRFLEX: for planting and storage. It has a similar use as CIRKA, with a higher melting point, and an even better elasticity, which is particularly relevant under hot climates. It has two uses :
First use: CIRFLEX is applied just after callusing and before planting.
Second use: Once the grafts have been uprooted, CIRFLEX prevents the plants from dehydration when they are stored in cold rooms.
STARWAX: for planting and display. STARWAX is a perfectly neutral wax, which contains a non phytotoxic additive and gives a homogeneous, deposit free product. It is made of micro particles of light metals which reflect 90% of solar or artificial rays, ambient UV and IR rays. STARWAX brings effective protection for the callus and young vegetation.
All waxes are available in either, white, red and green colour.
Waxes are available in either 5 kilo slabs (25 kilo boxes) or 25 kilo pellets.
3 years ago AWAX R&D laboratory developed a totally natural grafting wax mostly made of beeswax and other vegetable waxes. After a few years trial in France and abroad, it is the first NATURAL grafting wax available on the market.
NATURGREF can be used at every state of the production process with similar results as the conventional oil wax. Besides, it naturally degrades and peels off before digging up so plants are totally clean once delivered to the customer. It is totally safe for the user and it has a nice honey smell!
Wax & Grafts is the exclusive agent of SER grafting waxes,
Indeed, SER has been manufacturing ranges of waxes for grafting vine plants and many other type of industries.
SER waxes are the outcome of many comparative tests carried out by professionals and whose results are certified by a laboratory.
SER waxes are microcrystalline waxes, produced by de-oiling petrolatum, which In contrast to the more familiar paraffine waxes, are small and thin, making them more flexible. Waxes possess all the qualities of a good grafting wax should have, which are the plasticity, the adherence and the hardness.
A good grafting wax should then be flexible and resistant at the same time.
Please contact us for getting further technical information and prices.
Grafted plant with wax